1 English Pleasure - Hunt Seat - Open
Entry Fee: $50.00 Wednesday Matinee
50 English Pleasure - Hunt Seat - Amateur Any Age
Entry Fee: $50.00 Thursday Matinee
86 English Pleasure - Hunt Seat - Open - Championship
To be eligible, horses must be entered, shown and judged in Class 1 or 50.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Friday Matinee
7 English Pleasure Driving - Open
Entry Fee: $50.00 Wednesday Matinee
94 English Pleasure Driving - Open - Championship
To be eligible, horses must be entered, shown and judged in Class 7.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Friday Matinee
28 English Pleasure - Saddle Seat - Limit Rider
Entry Fee: $50.00 Wednesday Matinee
45 English Pleasure - Saddle Seat - Open
Entry Fee: $50.00 Wednesday Evening
61 English Pleasure - Saddle Seat - Riders 14-17
Entry Fee: $50.00 Thursday Matinee
67 English Pleasure - Saddle Seat - Riders 13 & Under
Entry Fee: $50.00 Thursday Matinee
74 English Pleasure - Saddle Seat - Adult Amateur
Entry Fee: $50.00 Thursday Evening
90 English Pleasure - Saddle Seat - Junior Exhibitor
Entry Fee: $50.00 Friday Matinee
138 English Pleasure - Saddle Seat - Open - Championship
To be eligible, horses must be entered, shown and judged in Class 28, 45, 61, 67, 74 or 90.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Saturday Matinee
Walk/Trot riders are not eligible for classes requiring a canter
69 Opportunity Walk/Trot Pleasure – Any Seat - Riders 12 and Under
To be shown on the rail at the walk and jog/trot, only. Not to back. To be judged on manners, suitability and performance. Riders entered in this class are not eligible to enter Leadline or classes that require the canter. (Possible split if more than 10 in class.)
Entry Fee: $50.00 Thursday Matinee
96 Opportunity Walk/Trot Pleasure – Any Seat - Riders 12 and Under - Championship
To be shown on the rail at the walk and jog/trot, only. Not to back. To be judged on manners, suitability and performance. To be eligible, horses must be entered, shown and judged in Class 6, 12, 16 or 69, as long as the rider is 12 & Under in those classes.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Friday Matinee
88 Walk/Trot Equitation - Any Seat – Riders 11 and Under
To be shown on the rail at the walk and jog/trot only. Not to back. (Possible split if more than 10 in class).
Entry Fee: $50.00 Thursday Matinee
122 Stick Horse – 6 and Under *
Entries must register in Horse Show Office at least two hours prior to show time.
Entry Fee: NONE Saturday Matinee
*Note: Bring your own horsey or, if you would like to try one of ours and would like to take your horsey home, a donation of $10.00 to our selected charities would be appreciated.
130 Walk/Trot Equitation – Any Seat - Riders 11 and Under - Championship
To be shown on the rail at the walk and jog/trot only. Not to back. To be eligible, horses must be entered, shown and judged in Class 68 or 86.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Saturday Matinee
133 Leadline - Riders 4-7
Hunt, Saddle or Stock Seat. Horses of any breed to be led by a responsible adult on foot. Riders may not show in any other class at this show (exception – 122 & 135).
Entry Fee: $40.00 Saturday Matinee
135 Leadline Equitation– Walk/Trot – On a Line - Riders 4-9
Hunt, Saddle or Stock Seat. Horses of any breed to be led by a responsible adult on foot. Riders may not show in any other class at this show (exception – 122 & 133).
Entry Fee: $40.00 Saturday Matinee
Opportunity Western Classes
20 Opportunity Western Pleasure – Open, Any Breed
To be shown at a walk, jog/trot and lope both ways of the ring. May be asked to back. To be judged on performance, manners and conformation.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Wednesday Matinee
48 Opportunity Western Pleasure - Open, Any Breed – Championship
To be shown at a walk, jog/trot and lope both ways of the ring. May be asked to back. To be judged on performance, manners and conformation. To be eligible, horses must be entered, shown and judged in Class 20.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Thursday Matinee
Opportunity Walk/Trot Any Age
A rider showing in these classes may cross enter into a canter class, but not the horse. Horses used in these classes may not be used in any class requiring a canter.
16 Opportunity Walk/Trot Pleasure - Any Seat, Rider, Breed
To be shown at a walk and trot both ways of the ring. Not to back. To be judged on manners, performance, presence, quality and conformation.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Wednesday Matinee
144 Opportunity Walk/Trot Pleasure - Any Seat, Breed, Rider - Championship
To be shown at a walk and trot both ways of the ring. Not to back. To be judged on manners, performance, presence, quality and conformation. To be eligible, horses must be entered, shown and judged in Class 6, 12 or 16 or 69.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Saturday Matinee
Fun Classes - Any Breed, Any Rider, Any Age - No Post-Entry Penalty
83 Trainer Equitation
Open to any professional horseperson, including trainers, grooms, instructors. Riders must be 18 and over. Costumes desired, but not required. Any horse, any seat (Saddle Seat, Hunt Seat or Western) and any outfit. To be shown at the walk, trot or jog, and canter or lope. May be asked to perform an individual pattern -- see USEF Saddle Seat Tests 1-12 for Riders 13 & Under.
Prize Money - Total Entry Fees - 50% to Winner, 25% to Helen Woodward, 25% to Don Diego.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Thursday Evening
105 Parent/Child (must be related) Horsemanship Walk and Trot/Jog
Child rides first direction, parent rides second direction. To be shown at the walk, trot/jog. To be judged on Horsemanship abilities of both riders. Helmets are required for riders under 12 and recommended for all riders Neat attire for all is suggested, such as Academy, jodhpurs, boots, fitted tops. No suits.
Entry Fee: $50 per team Friday Matinee
121 Adult/Child Leadline - Child Leads Adult
Hunt, Saddle or Stock Seat. Horses of any breed with mounted Adult to be led by a responsible child on foot. To be shown at the walk or trot. To be judged on horsemanship abilities of adult rider and leading child. Neat attire for all is suggested, such as Academy, jodhpurs, boots, fitted tops. No suits.
Entry Fee: $50 per team Friday Matinee