14 UPHA Challenge Cup Equitation Class
Open to all Saddle Seat Equitation riders, 17 years of age and under, riding a mare or gelding of any breed. No minimum number of entries is required to fill a class. The proper calling of the gaits shall be “walk, trot and canter.” Judging is based 60% rail work and 40% on the individual workout. The top four riders must be worked individually; more may be worked at the judge’s discretion. The mandatory workout is “Trot a serpentine to the opposite end of the ring; return down the rail at a trot.” All riders must be registered with the UPHA.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Wednesday Matinee
21 Equitation - Any Seat - Limit Riders 17 & Under
Entry Fee: $50.00 Wednesday Matinee
52 Saddle Seat Equitation – Riders 14-17
Entry Fee: $50.00 Thursday Matinee
64 Saddle Seat Equitation – Riders 13 & Under
Entry Fee: $50.00 Thursday Matinee
111 Saddle Seat Equitation – Riders 17 & Under - Championship
To be eligible, Riders 17 & Under must be entered, shown and judged in Class 14, 21 (if Saddle Seat), 32, 52, 57 or 64.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Friday Evening
128 USEF Saddle Seat Medal Class
Open to junior members of the USEF who have not yet reached their 18th birthday.
Entry Fee: $50.00 Saturday Matinee